
Dr Peter Wilmshurst, the man who turned down two years salary

Peter refused offer of two years salary to not publish paper showing a drug was dangerous

I spent some time with Dr Peter Wilmshurst, a British consultant cardiologist who works with the NHS. Peter has been somewhat of a whistleblower since the 1980s after his experience with a drug company offering him money to not publish research showing a drug was both useless and dangerous. Peter refused. Since that time Peter has been somewhat of a thorn in the side of those that seek to commit medical and research malpractice.

We spoke for an hour, and I think we could have spoken for hours more. Peter is a wealth of knowledge on some of the excesses of medical research. His contributions will no doubt help to steer the editorial of my upcoming project, The Research Cartel.

Discussion about this video

I've just listened to the whole interview. Very well-conducted, and fascinating insights from a brave and upright professor. I have great respect for such integrity!

It is so easy to be drawn in with flattery and rewards and a sense of 'everyone is doing it, why shouldn't I? If I don't do this, someone else will and then they'll gain the goodies and I'll lose out, so where's the harm?'

And people always tell themselves that they're MORE moral than the next person so in fact they really SHOULD do xyz because it's better that THEY do it than some less-moral person! The self-deluding stories it's so easy to spin!

But Dr Wilmshurst seems to have avoided all that self-serving nonsense and remained morally upright. His insight that the more influential people ARE the more corrupt ones shows how easily we are betrayed by those we put our trust in.

Great work, Phil, and thank you!

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Phil - great interview! You've successfully peaked this viewers interest in reading Dr. Wilmshurst's writings; would you please share how we can follow him? (URL for his page on wordpress; I've searched quite exhaustively and failed to find it...) thank you!

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Sounds like the highly profitable Serotonin-depression-SSRI antidepressant myth that has surfaced revealing this was basically a machination of gibberish research Plucked from the air that did and does continue to shovel in piles of cash off the RX drugs.

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To know what's REALLY happening with the FBI raid against Trump, follow this lawyer's daily newsletter! (and Covid legal issues) [...It seems similar but there’s a Grand Canyon between what Garland said he would ask Magistrate Reinhart to unseal, and what Trump said HE wants made public. Let me explain.

As I told you yesterday, the process for obtaining a search warrant begins with a substantial affidavit prepared by law enforcement officers. The sworn affidavit describes all the evidence allegedly justifying “probable cause,” and is signed under oath by an investigator on the case. The affidavit is then presented to a judge who is required to accept its contents as true. Obviously the search’s target gets no chance to present competing evidence — they don’t even know it’s happening. ...] SEE more: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-friday-august-12

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Clearly there are major corruption issues in our courts too.

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Phil, when you refer to the person you have looked into re funding and corruption - are you referring to Andrew Hill of the infamous Ivermectin paper? How do these people sleep at night? https://swprs.org/who-preliminary-review-confirms-ivermectin-effectiveness/

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How come a few of the Trachea transplant patients survived? Due to the stents?

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The real issue with the MHRA is that they have 2 (at least) members of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on their Board. You may have mentioned this but I am only half way through your video which I am sad to say I have only just seen due to backed up email. Well done for this, and much respect to Dr Wilmshurst.

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Well that was a sobering and eye-opening interview. Peter laid out very clearly how the system works and what the incentives are. What a principled man. It was interesting that he seems to be on-board with the COVID narrative though.

BTW you need to be closer to the mic, it sounded very off-mic for the latter part.

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Healthcare has been check-mated monetized -- it no longer can be about a truthful considerate application of care it’s is just about the transaction. It’s a world where the drugs and procedures don’t have to be safe or effective-- research doesn’t have to be free of bias and lies, in fact it’s better if it always just sheds a positive light on the product that’s it. There innumerable demonstrations of how this sham is perpetrated continuously. So how anyone still requires a whistleblower to understand the “game” is mind boggling. It is by a deliberate fundamental design (privatized commodified capitalized free-market monetized) “healthcare”. It has to behave the way it was designed -- it’s just for turning a profit.

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The headline and subheadline are hard to parse together hear. Some rewording could clear up ambiguity.

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