
Dr Pierre Kory - The Digger, Episode 1

We talk corruption problems in the healthcare industry

Dr. Kory has led ICU’s in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic, having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for 5 straight weeks, he then travelled to other COVID-19 hotspots to run COVID ICU’s in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee, WI during their surges. He has co-authored 5 influential papers on COVID-19 with the most impactful being a paper that was the first to support the diagnosis of early COVID-19 respiratory disease as an organizing pneumonia, thus explaining the critical response of the disease to corticosteroids.

Pierre testified before the US Sentate on the he and his team’s discovery of a strong signal of benefit for Ivermectin against COVID-19. Since that time, a lot happened, which I’ve detailed here at the The Digger.

Pierre and I had a great conversation, which I just had to re-upload now that substack supports video natively. Also, YouTube removed the video. Original link, with the removed YouTube video, is below:

The Digger
PODCAST Ep 1 - Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and the Corruption in the Medical Industry
Listen now (57 min) | Episode 1 is Dr Pierre Kory. Couldn’t have asked for a better first guest. The podcast is designed as a starting point for people who are new to the topic. If you want friends and family to understand this issue, which is hard to get into without a fight, I hope this relatively short one hour podcast will help…
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Full bio is here

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