A quick case.science update
You can now edit your case titles, follow us on twitter @_case_science
You can now edit your case titles and descriptions
If you are the case owner, you should see a green edit button on the home screen.
When you create a case, click the placeholder title and description and change it to your case title and description
Shorter case titles are better. Edit them down to be as simple and readable as possible.
You now have a profile page. Your profile link is on the top nav of the home page. You’ll find all your cases in your profile link which is publicly sharable.
You can add a description to your profile
You’ll also find an account page where you can check your permissions. Invitations to create cases are coming very soon.
If you want an invite to make cases, follow us on @_case_science then DM your username with a case you’d like to make.
That’s all for now.
Reminder on how case.science works:
You create a case, and the case title is a statement you believe to be true and can be backed up with online sources. You then must submit sources to your case, and you can submit as many as you like. The system then ‘reads’ those sources and tries to understand them and how they relate to your case. Now, when a user asks questions directly to your case, the system gathers very relevant data from your sources and uses that data to answer the question. Hey presto, you can now ‘talk’ with your case. You can even share the link to your case with anyone you like.
The more relevant information in the case, the better the answers it gives. Your case title is the most important thing in determining what the Case AI will argue, getting it right will make a big difference in how well your case argues. Shorter and to the point is better. Your sources need to be relevant.
I wanted to highlight one user-submitted case that’s worth checking out. What do you think?
We’re now on Twitter so please follow the project there, and give us a tag in a tweet so we can bump up those Twitter numbers! If you’ve signed up and don’t yet have Case making rights and want them, jump on Twitter and follow us there @_case_science. Comments are open!

This tool seems to have a great potential !
What about allowing collaboration to make cases stronger and stronger ? There could be for example a button to submit new sources to the case owner. And, perhaps, allowing multiple owners would be a way to create working teams on a given subject.
By the way, collaboration could also prevent too many cases to appear on the same subject...
Could I suggest that case ideas might be crowdsourced, and then curated, and then the evidence further crowdsourced? Each case would need a curator for that particular case, perhaps the person who nominated it. The main point being that the hive mind will find all kinds evidence and also generate interest. Some light hearted cases could be amusing, in amongst the life and death matters.