Last week, I posed the question “what happened to you right after you tested positive for Covid-19?” If you didn’t read it, just take a moment to think about the moment you tested positive. For the majority of Covid positive people across the advanced health economies, that’s Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and maybe South Africa, it’s likely that absolutely nothing happened. You got told you were sick with a novel disease, but you were not offered any treatment at all. “You’re sick, there’s absolutely nothing we can do for you.” You reasonably thought nothing of it and probably assumed it was because no treatments existed.
It's been almost a year, and I am still enraged by the lack of treatment I was offered when I was diagnosed with Covid. I was told I was low risk (not really, as my BMI would attest) and had a mild case. When I specifically asked for IVM or HCQ, the doctor laughed. Not even an OTC decongestant was suggested. Take ibuprofen or tylenol for fever.
Five days later, I was admitted to the hospital CCU in severe respiratory failure. My pulse ox was 69%, BP 88/54, heart rate 156. I was on high flow O2 for three days, Remdesivir didn't do a damn thing. They were considering a vent because my O2 was staying so low. I showed the doctor an article about statin drugs being helpful, and he started me right away, and that turned the corner. But still, refused IVM the whole time.
Three months later, my husband tested positive with moderate symptoms. I went through FLCCC, found a doctor, and got IVM plus the rest of the I-CARE protocol for him and three days later, he was feeling well enough to work (at home) and within a week, was fine. His O2 never was lower than 95% and even with mild cardiac issues, and high BMI, he was never in any distress.
It is absolutely criminal that so many were denied early, safe and effective treatments, and were instead left to deteriorate into severe illness or death. Those responsible for this may not be held accountable in this life, but surely they will in the next.
I have a journalism background and the most galling thing to me is the uni-voice of msm and erstwhile “left-wing” or “radical” media. Back in the good ol’ days the latter would have been all over BIg Pharma profiteering and corruption. Now they are mere globalist mouthpieces. Actual “radical“ reporting is marooned on dissenting sites written by “homeless" traditional liberals and conservatives — linked by their belief in objective reality, free speech and skepticism of entrenched bureaucracies.
I'm amazed and appalled by this as well. I don't understand how a company whose management is legally required to work to increase shareholder equity can be given any benefit of the doubt when selling billions of dollars' worth of their product either to consumers or to the government. I know they are the primary funders of most news shows, so there are no negative stories on them. But doesn't that funding *itself* inspire skepticism?
Don't we reflexively mistrust a used-car salesman? Not all of them are crooks, but their interests are not aligned with the customer's, and most customers implicitly understand that. But pharmaceutical companies have, weirdly, acquired a patina of sainthood, unless you read those "homeless" who write on dissenting sites.
Somebody asked me, why would you mistrust Monsanto, and trust Moderna or Pfizer? Seems a very good question.
This one caught my eye a while back, you've probably read it. Christian Parenti is not a newcomer to the leftist perspective, his father was a pretty radical guy. Makes me wonder how serious any of those I used to consider "left" actually were.
No one can/will (chemically) "test positive" for COVID-19 because there are NO (chemical) tests for COVID-19.
COVID-19 is a supposedly a unique group of symptoms, a syndrome, which can only be DIAGNOSED.
The "COVID-19 RT-PCR Test" supposedly 'tests' for the presence of a snippet (~30 out of ~30K genomes) of the SARS-COV-2 virus. It does not and cannot test for COVID-19/sickness/symptoms.
The "COVID-19 Antigen Test" supposedly 'tests' for the presence of a SARS-COV-2 virus spike protein. It does not and cannot test for COVID-19/sickness/symptoms.
Many SAR-COV-2 particles/pieces, as well as trillions of other viral particles/pieces, may exist within a body without ill-effect.
COVID-19 'testing' has been a misdirection and falsity from the beginning.
This is fine to hold this as your platform for this "disease". I would argue if someone shows up with something, call it covid, we should provide treatment? I am not sure your experience with covid. But for those who ended up hospitalized or losing a loved one, they may feel covid is real and deserved effective protocols, like the FLCCC protocol. It's too bad to say this doesn't exist and yet let people languish or die.
I went to the ER to get my positive test so I would have that on my medical record. I hoped they would recognize natural immunity since I am not vaxxed. I was asked why would a highly educated person not get vaxxed (I am a PT and have a doctorate so I guess that's where they get the highly educated assumption from, or maybe because I have health insurance, was clean and neat and tidy and was not homeless! Like the woman next to me in the waiting room). I gave her my reasons which this early on didn't even have enough data (anecdotally or statistically) to back up with decision. I told her I wouldn't buy a first generation car (like when car manufacturers make new engines with new technology), why would I put first generation technology in my body. I also informed her I had an outpatient treatment protocol from the FLCCC and knew I was young and healthy (I am 49) and would rely on the strength of my immune system to do it's job. I was told to buy a pulse oximeter and if it dropped to a dangerous level, come back! And when the town tracer called me to find the "spreader" she told me "good luck". Welcome to modern medicine and the government. I wouldn't wait for either body to save me. It's not their job! And to think I pay for this crap advice (through health insurance premiums and town and federal taxes). I think they should give me my money back!
This is exactly what happened to my husband- who had primary care MD out of one of the country’s best hospitals in Boston (m@55 General). He is immunocompromised and when diagnosed had a fever of 103… we were told “stay home until he can’t breath”. WHAT?? How is that medical care!?!
And I had HCQ at home, but my husband wouldn’t take it because the media and doctors discouraged it.
I believe sincerely the expectation was for him to get sicker and become an inpatient.
Remembering that time still makes my blood boil! But we were lucky- he recovered- but how many did not?
What? Wouldnt take Hydroxychoroquin which has been safely used for decades? Believing the media and pharmaceutical-driven doctors over you who really cares about him? What kind of doctor says go home and don't do anything until you can't breathe? Too many to count and it is criminal. It absolutely was said with the intention of him being an inpatient for more profit. Most "health care" has nothing to do with health. People need to break the trauma bonds with this system and take responsibility for their health. The less time spent with doctors the better off you will be. The human body does a magnificent job of healing when we treat ourselves properly body, mind and spirit. This is the message we need to be taught from cradle to grave.
This is true. About a month ago, both my daughter and I tested positive for Covid, and had symptoms. I am 55, not jabbed, and in good health. My daughter is 20, in good health, and received two jabs and booster—much to my chagrin. Our “illness” was basically the exact same. Mine lasted fewer days. We felt very tired, had bodyaches, stuffy nose, a productive cough, and didn’t have much of an appetite for about five days. The weirdest thing for me about it was an overwhelming sense of doom and depression which lasted for two weeks afterwards.
I see the "hopelessness of so nothing, of, of a novel virus that we know little about " as memes in a way that our minds (conscious and subconscious) latch onto. If you believe the mind-body connection, then this information and messaging can cause us to experience and feel symptoms that don't add up, like sense of doom and depression. I said about those who say lose a limb from a violent event can have different outcomes (phantom pain say) and depending on the circumstances, they may not have a negative outcome. Like the Boston bombers was a unifying event versus say a car accident where a.drubk driver harmed one person (victim without a cause)....these two sets of people may have very different presentations based on the social circumstances.
Second comment after viewing your trailer. I think you can’t present the dissenting figures in a naive way — as though they themselves are not controversial (although you and I may think they should not be.) You’ll end up with a documentary that “preaches to the choir.” You need to contextualize them as targets. As people who have paid a huge price for speaking the truth.
Play offense with your critics who have tried so hard to silence anyone who questioned the mask & vaxx only public policy (and all the research shenanigans that went along with it.)
I assume you are familiar with the work of Dr Vinay Prasad who has written and podcasted extensively on the problems of the US cdc “research” even as a pro-vaxxer.
Final thought, in the US the PBS program Frontline probably has the tone you might aim for. I used to appreciate their past work, though I no longer do. Once these outlets do a documentary on a subject about which you have in-depth knowledge , you see clearly how pre-determined and slanted a documentary narrative can be.
You’re the real deal, man. I hope your dream of informing people with this documentary works out, because you have a gift for effectively communicating this information.
This is THE problem we need to fix, and fast, before body autonomy, informed consent, and medical ethics in general is lost forever.
A common saying is “it has to get worse before it will get better” because people have to experience true, personal pain before their eyes are opened. Well...I can hardly think of anything worse than what happened with Covid. Given Covid was global in scale, we have now lived through some of the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed.
More now than ever, the public are primed for seeing the truth. The trouble is, they’re also primed for being further manipulated straight into a global biomedical surveillance state. We truly are balanced on the edge of a knife and it could go either way. We all have to push harder than ever to bring the truth to light.
I hope your film makes a major contribution in this respect. Thank you for your work.
In his book Bad Pharma, Ben Goldacre documents the pre-covid era behaviour of the pharmaceutical industry. His stories are deeply disturbing and similar to those you mention. We no longer need to ask the question 'what became of the Robber Barons?' I think you should compile your findings into a book if you can't get funding for your documentary.
It's been almost a year, and I am still enraged by the lack of treatment I was offered when I was diagnosed with Covid. I was told I was low risk (not really, as my BMI would attest) and had a mild case. When I specifically asked for IVM or HCQ, the doctor laughed. Not even an OTC decongestant was suggested. Take ibuprofen or tylenol for fever.
Five days later, I was admitted to the hospital CCU in severe respiratory failure. My pulse ox was 69%, BP 88/54, heart rate 156. I was on high flow O2 for three days, Remdesivir didn't do a damn thing. They were considering a vent because my O2 was staying so low. I showed the doctor an article about statin drugs being helpful, and he started me right away, and that turned the corner. But still, refused IVM the whole time.
Three months later, my husband tested positive with moderate symptoms. I went through FLCCC, found a doctor, and got IVM plus the rest of the I-CARE protocol for him and three days later, he was feeling well enough to work (at home) and within a week, was fine. His O2 never was lower than 95% and even with mild cardiac issues, and high BMI, he was never in any distress.
It is absolutely criminal that so many were denied early, safe and effective treatments, and were instead left to deteriorate into severe illness or death. Those responsible for this may not be held accountable in this life, but surely they will in the next.
I have a journalism background and the most galling thing to me is the uni-voice of msm and erstwhile “left-wing” or “radical” media. Back in the good ol’ days the latter would have been all over BIg Pharma profiteering and corruption. Now they are mere globalist mouthpieces. Actual “radical“ reporting is marooned on dissenting sites written by “homeless" traditional liberals and conservatives — linked by their belief in objective reality, free speech and skepticism of entrenched bureaucracies.
I'm amazed and appalled by this as well. I don't understand how a company whose management is legally required to work to increase shareholder equity can be given any benefit of the doubt when selling billions of dollars' worth of their product either to consumers or to the government. I know they are the primary funders of most news shows, so there are no negative stories on them. But doesn't that funding *itself* inspire skepticism?
Don't we reflexively mistrust a used-car salesman? Not all of them are crooks, but their interests are not aligned with the customer's, and most customers implicitly understand that. But pharmaceutical companies have, weirdly, acquired a patina of sainthood, unless you read those "homeless" who write on dissenting sites.
Somebody asked me, why would you mistrust Monsanto, and trust Moderna or Pfizer? Seems a very good question.
This one caught my eye a while back, you've probably read it. Christian Parenti is not a newcomer to the leftist perspective, his father was a pretty radical guy. Makes me wonder how serious any of those I used to consider "left" actually were.
No one can/will (chemically) "test positive" for COVID-19 because there are NO (chemical) tests for COVID-19.
COVID-19 is a supposedly a unique group of symptoms, a syndrome, which can only be DIAGNOSED.
The "COVID-19 RT-PCR Test" supposedly 'tests' for the presence of a snippet (~30 out of ~30K genomes) of the SARS-COV-2 virus. It does not and cannot test for COVID-19/sickness/symptoms.
The "COVID-19 Antigen Test" supposedly 'tests' for the presence of a SARS-COV-2 virus spike protein. It does not and cannot test for COVID-19/sickness/symptoms.
Many SAR-COV-2 particles/pieces, as well as trillions of other viral particles/pieces, may exist within a body without ill-effect.
COVID-19 'testing' has been a misdirection and falsity from the beginning.
This is fine to hold this as your platform for this "disease". I would argue if someone shows up with something, call it covid, we should provide treatment? I am not sure your experience with covid. But for those who ended up hospitalized or losing a loved one, they may feel covid is real and deserved effective protocols, like the FLCCC protocol. It's too bad to say this doesn't exist and yet let people languish or die.
The Swarm of viruses from releases in years past.
I went to the ER to get my positive test so I would have that on my medical record. I hoped they would recognize natural immunity since I am not vaxxed. I was asked why would a highly educated person not get vaxxed (I am a PT and have a doctorate so I guess that's where they get the highly educated assumption from, or maybe because I have health insurance, was clean and neat and tidy and was not homeless! Like the woman next to me in the waiting room). I gave her my reasons which this early on didn't even have enough data (anecdotally or statistically) to back up with decision. I told her I wouldn't buy a first generation car (like when car manufacturers make new engines with new technology), why would I put first generation technology in my body. I also informed her I had an outpatient treatment protocol from the FLCCC and knew I was young and healthy (I am 49) and would rely on the strength of my immune system to do it's job. I was told to buy a pulse oximeter and if it dropped to a dangerous level, come back! And when the town tracer called me to find the "spreader" she told me "good luck". Welcome to modern medicine and the government. I wouldn't wait for either body to save me. It's not their job! And to think I pay for this crap advice (through health insurance premiums and town and federal taxes). I think they should give me my money back!
This is exactly what happened to my husband- who had primary care MD out of one of the country’s best hospitals in Boston (m@55 General). He is immunocompromised and when diagnosed had a fever of 103… we were told “stay home until he can’t breath”. WHAT?? How is that medical care!?!
And I had HCQ at home, but my husband wouldn’t take it because the media and doctors discouraged it.
I believe sincerely the expectation was for him to get sicker and become an inpatient.
Remembering that time still makes my blood boil! But we were lucky- he recovered- but how many did not?
What? Wouldnt take Hydroxychoroquin which has been safely used for decades? Believing the media and pharmaceutical-driven doctors over you who really cares about him? What kind of doctor says go home and don't do anything until you can't breathe? Too many to count and it is criminal. It absolutely was said with the intention of him being an inpatient for more profit. Most "health care" has nothing to do with health. People need to break the trauma bonds with this system and take responsibility for their health. The less time spent with doctors the better off you will be. The human body does a magnificent job of healing when we treat ourselves properly body, mind and spirit. This is the message we need to be taught from cradle to grave.
This is true. About a month ago, both my daughter and I tested positive for Covid, and had symptoms. I am 55, not jabbed, and in good health. My daughter is 20, in good health, and received two jabs and booster—much to my chagrin. Our “illness” was basically the exact same. Mine lasted fewer days. We felt very tired, had bodyaches, stuffy nose, a productive cough, and didn’t have much of an appetite for about five days. The weirdest thing for me about it was an overwhelming sense of doom and depression which lasted for two weeks afterwards.
That was listed as a side effect of the vaccines.' Impending Doom'! Not even joking.
I see the "hopelessness of so nothing, of, of a novel virus that we know little about " as memes in a way that our minds (conscious and subconscious) latch onto. If you believe the mind-body connection, then this information and messaging can cause us to experience and feel symptoms that don't add up, like sense of doom and depression. I said about those who say lose a limb from a violent event can have different outcomes (phantom pain say) and depending on the circumstances, they may not have a negative outcome. Like the Boston bombers was a unifying event versus say a car accident where a.drubk driver harmed one person (victim without a cause)....these two sets of people may have very different presentations based on the social circumstances.
Another brilliant dig, Phil. Thank you for documenting these findings!
This play is not over...sadly...
Staggering criminality and corruption in the public health sphere.
Second comment after viewing your trailer. I think you can’t present the dissenting figures in a naive way — as though they themselves are not controversial (although you and I may think they should not be.) You’ll end up with a documentary that “preaches to the choir.” You need to contextualize them as targets. As people who have paid a huge price for speaking the truth.
Play offense with your critics who have tried so hard to silence anyone who questioned the mask & vaxx only public policy (and all the research shenanigans that went along with it.)
I assume you are familiar with the work of Dr Vinay Prasad who has written and podcasted extensively on the problems of the US cdc “research” even as a pro-vaxxer.
Final thought, in the US the PBS program Frontline probably has the tone you might aim for. I used to appreciate their past work, though I no longer do. Once these outlets do a documentary on a subject about which you have in-depth knowledge , you see clearly how pre-determined and slanted a documentary narrative can be.
You’re the real deal, man. I hope your dream of informing people with this documentary works out, because you have a gift for effectively communicating this information.
This is THE problem we need to fix, and fast, before body autonomy, informed consent, and medical ethics in general is lost forever.
A common saying is “it has to get worse before it will get better” because people have to experience true, personal pain before their eyes are opened. Well...I can hardly think of anything worse than what happened with Covid. Given Covid was global in scale, we have now lived through some of the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed.
More now than ever, the public are primed for seeing the truth. The trouble is, they’re also primed for being further manipulated straight into a global biomedical surveillance state. We truly are balanced on the edge of a knife and it could go either way. We all have to push harder than ever to bring the truth to light.
I hope your film makes a major contribution in this respect. Thank you for your work.
In his book Bad Pharma, Ben Goldacre documents the pre-covid era behaviour of the pharmaceutical industry. His stories are deeply disturbing and similar to those you mention. We no longer need to ask the question 'what became of the Robber Barons?' I think you should compile your findings into a book if you can't get funding for your documentary.
Excellent article! It will make a good, but very upsetting film. Horror movie in real life. 😱
Really? That’s exactly how it felt. And I could not shake it. I’m OK now, but it was really bad for two weeks.
Big Pharma is a drug cartel. Physicians with integrity need to stop aligning with them.
Excellent article!!!!!