"I have refused bribes" Peter Wilmshurst, 2015 [video]
The tools used to ensure a narrative prevails.
An extraordinary talk by Peter Wilmhurst given in 2015 by a UK Cardiologist. It’s worth 20 minute of your time for sure. It gives an incredible insight into the range of tools adopted by the research cartel to keep their messaging on brand, and yes, that includes outright bribing people. If you want to share this video, please share it at this link because all inward traffic to the substack helps.
For new visitors, there’s a film project ongoing which aims to piece together all of this material into a feature doc. You can support it at the link below. Subscriptions, shares, and membership of the substack also all help to support the project.
This is a video you can't unsee. Completely lost trust in the medical system.
What can one say. It is horrific. Making a big enough film to show what is going on and apparently has been going on for years and years, will be very difficult.
The NHS at least tries to be free of such carryons. Doesn't it? Multi disciplinary teams must help.