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I wanted to cry reading this article. Sadness for those injured and killed, frustration with the corrupt system and complete incompetence of those meant to protect us from unsafe medical products. A complete derelict of duty. How could this happen. Four years on and the culprits are still free to roam. It is criminal. One thought came to mind. Many people I speak in the UK, believe President Putin to be the devil incarnate. And yet, they would never be critical of their government health agencies despite these agencies harming and killing UK citizens.

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Not as dumb as they make him out to be eh?

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My childhood best friend is a family practice MD. In early 2021 he got a blood clot after taking the second shot of the two-shot covid VAXX. He had a pain in his thigh for several days that proved to be a blood clot. Fortunately, it did not kill him. He has a wife, also a family practice MD, and four children. He had to take blood thinners for six months. He reported the incident to VAERS. He has not taken any additional VAXX shots.

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I hope he spoke out against the jab and I hope he refused to give it to anyone else!

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I think that he did in a quiet way to his patients, and maybe progressively so over time

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One of the possible reasons the death rates may be higher in the elderly is that the elderly were targeted early and intensively to take the vaccine. Uptake in older age groups may have been higher (as it was here in the US), resulting in higher numbers of fatal outcomes. That the elderly also undoubtedly had greater frequencies of co-morbidities surely played a part as well.

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plus the debilitating effects of forced isolation, as well as the well documented midazolam do not resuscitate protocols widely implemented in "senior living" nursing and group homes

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Liars liars and more liars! When will anyone be held accountable! I am unvaxxed and I’m furious. Where’s the outrage from you people who took the jab??? Please don’t say “But what can we do”?You are not helpless!

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Health Canada only recently, January 2024 pulled AstraZeneca from their website as an approved vaccine. Prior to that they were still projecting the myth that it was a safe and effective vaccine, although it couldn't be found in Canada. Health Canada's vaccine injury review panel have only acknowledged 4 vaccine caused deaths. Unlike Covid-19 deaths which only required a doctor to write it on the death certificate, the criterial to prove vaccine as primary causal of death is almost impossible since claims must go to an judication panel of so-called experts who have an arsenal of other probable causes of death which must all be ruled out before there is a glimmer of possibility that the vaccine caused the death.

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