As a psychologist, I'm always amazed that "normal", bright, curious, well educated people continue to close their eyes and mind to this truth. Cognitive dissonance is responsible but where have the thinking people gone? They've been told that they're following the "science" however when the mask mandates are discontinued, they still want to wear their masks. How come they question the powers that be who are telling them, if you're under 80 years old, without serious comorbidities, it's now safe to drop the masks......but they're not apparently. It seems about half the people in California and New York still want to keep wearing their masks. Today Oregon's mask mandate ends. I expect the same will be true here as well. I believe everyone should have the right to continue to wear a mask and/or get vaccinated or boosted but it should NOT be mandated. We can see from Israel to the UK to Scotland, the most heavily vaccinated and boosted countries in the world, that the majority of hospitalizations are now happening to those who are in fact vaccinated and even worse for those boosted. Wake up people! Uttar Pradesh is real. Their experience with ivermectin is real. We don't need a double blind, placebo controlled trial to confirm that.

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One of the many triumphs of the Trucker Convoys was to decondition the masking and social distancing habits in a mass implosion exercise paired with love, speeches, good food and many followers to witness and cheer them on in livestreams. They also modeled the behavior for the world to see to great effect.

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I was sending my family all of this information last year. I started sending studies on masks, then HCQ, then remdesivir (it killed 53.1% of study participants), IVM. I had them listen to Pierre Korry and his impassioned speech. No one would listen. I don't know how many times people said to me "you don't know because your not a Dr", my sister tried to prove me wrong from a fact check article. It was so absurd I didn't know what to say. I continue to pray.

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I understand. I, too, sent articles and studies and very few family members would listen. If they did read what I sent and then replied, it was to bash the doctor in the article and intimate that I was pretty stupid to believe such things. One "friend" actually asked me if I was part of "Q". I, also, continue to pray.

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yes, it is so hard for all of us to know the truth, to understand the hold that mainstream media and our public health officials have over the country. It's hard to wrap my brain around the reality that this is really happening around the world. Hang in there Ginger. I think the truth will ultimately come out.

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Michelle thank you. I think the craziest part to me is the actual Dr's that don't believe. When I would walk into a Dr's office and see everyone in masks I would say, you do know that you are harming these people because they trust you and your not following the real science. It blows my mind. I have a high school education, votech training (secretary in the 90's), and some college. I know more about vaccines then I ever thought possible. I also believe that Ivermectin is going to save people not just with covid but many other things.

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Ivermectin also has been studied & used to kill cancer..plus west Nile virus, bedbugs, etc...the list goes on and on. I bet that never gets any attention from our health agencies either.




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Yes, it doesn't take a college degree to do a deep dive into the vaccine controversy. I applaud you for doing so. Please consider reading my substack posts as I suspect you'll find them equally interesting and informative. My most recent one was also published on Trial Site News. https://michellerabinphd.substack.com/p/pediatricians-and-obgynshow-do-you?s=w

Phil Harper has done a wonderful job of providing information as well.

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It’s now safe to drop the masks? They were never needed in the first place. Sweden is an excellent example of that as well as the Danish study showed already in 2020 except that they later ‘had’ to amend the study to fit the narrative better.


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I think we make a mistake when we talk about the masks not being effective. The reality is that masks are now a psychological issue that allows people to feel like they're doing something that may help to keep them safe. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant. We need to be sensitive to the psychological needs of people. Most feel impotent to be safe from infection. They have followed the public health messages and got vaccinated and some even booster BUT they now see that their friends and family members are in fact getting Covid. A simple measure like wearing a mask allows them to feel like they have some semblance of control over Covid. There's no need to take that away from them. If they feel safer wearing a mask, why must we get into their face and say - masks don't work? When I hear a Governor or a Senator making fun of someone for wearing a mask - who is helped by that? That only further polarizes our political divide. We must put our political positions aside when it comes to Covid. We must be sensitive to everyone who is trying to navigate their way through these last 2 years. Let's be compassionate. How can we go wrong with that?

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Just in No way, NO.

The mask is a tool for the globalists that has pulled this off to check your obedience.

There is no safety in masking. None. Period.

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This has nothing to do with political divide. This has to do with our freedom and to continue humanity.

Lay your political views aside and stand united.

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Michelle I have to say I disagree. I would hope that you wouldn't let someone go around pretending to be a dinosaur because it makes them feel secure because you know them pretending to be a dinosaur would cause other harms to their mental health. The masking is the same, if we sit back and not let people know that mask wearing is harmful (lack of sufficient oxygen, breathing back in germs). We also know from studies that it's causing developmental delays in speech. Allowing people to believe that this is okay is harmful. Children have been made to believe that they will kill their grandparents if they didn't wear a freaking mask. Letting these kids wear them as a security blanket is even more harmful. In real life we don't or shouldn't allow people to believe something is true that is harmful. These masks are harmful on many levels. Also, if you are referring to Gov DeSantis telling those kids they didn't need to wear a mask(I don't know if that is the case) it didn't happen the way it was portrayed. He walked into the press conference with none of the adults in the room wearing a mask. He saw all of the kids wearing masks and was pissed. He told them they didn't need to wear a mask on his account.

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I agree with you Ginger, and I also agree with Michelle above. We have to be very delicate here.

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Well we’ve been pretty “delicate” for two years now to protect the vulnerable couple of percent so I’m ready to say man up to anyone now.

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I tend to agree with you - I don't care one way or the other if adults use them. But how do we not psychologically cripple children with the belief they are only safe with a mask? I'm sure you see that as detrimental, too. What do you think can be done to prevent that?

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As psychologist you should be able to see how relentless mass propaganda by government and press has brought about this general psychosis. The people have been deliberately brainwashed. To now question their choices/sanity post event is to deflect from those responsible .... to the victims.

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They are victims and that is sad. I am having a hard time with the psychologist that spoke. Part of the problem with our world today is allowing people to believe things that go against reality (a bou can't be a girl no matter what anyone claims). I believe not telling someone the truth for fear it will harm them has already harmed them. I don't know how you get people to see reason but when you know that what they are doingbto themselves can cause not just psychological harm but also medical harm it makes no sense.

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I think you can do both let people know that unicorns don't exist and masks don't work. They need someone who will show them why masks don't work. It's very easy math. Masks can block a min of .25 (microns?) and this disease known as Covid-19 is something like .02 (microns?). I made up those numbers because I don't remember the exact amount. Also, they need to know that these masks are making them unhealthy (psychologically and health wise). It is in no one's best interest to make them believe or allow them to believe in any case that their is nothing wrong with wearing a mask. To me it's like giving people clean needles, crack pipes, and a safe space to do drugs that can kill them. It's definitely not for someone's health and safety these things are supplied, it's so people think that government is doing these things because they care. They are really doing it to allow the continuous control of these drugs over the people. In my opinion it's the same with the masks. Make people think the government is just trying to help when really it's all about fear and control. You take fear and control away from the perpetrators and you end up with a bunch of pissed off people that were controlled for 2 years. These people will then stop being sheep and will start fighting against the tyrrany. No one is doing these people any favors by pretending with them that they are right. They are just allowing these people to continue to be controlled. How is that good for the next thing they throw at us (BA.2 anyone)

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I like your reference to cognitive dissonance. Avoiding cognitive dissonance explains much of what has happened and will happen as the toxic nature of the mRNA vaccines is revealed. No one wants to believe that their compromised immune system is a ticking time bomb. I too am a psychologist but have been retired for some time and was not a social psychologist like Festinger. You would be doing a great service if you were to publish an article on cognitive dissonance. Thank you for what you have done.

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Nurse here, I’m watching it all unravel. My patients are newly diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias, stoke, young cardiac arrests, cancer, weird wound healing and so much more. I’m keeping notes and my notebook is filling up fast. It’s so sad. Much more upsetting than Covid.

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You say cancer. I have heard doctors talk about sudden cancers being diagnosed in young patients. Are you seeing this too?

Just in the past two months I have heard of the 39yo brother of an acquaintance being diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer, and the 30-something friend of a co-worker dying just 3 months after being diagnosed with a rare cancer affecting his spleen.

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Great job Phil. Your interview on FLCCC weekly update was what got me finding and supporting your research. NH has two bills in support of IVM. HB-1022 & HB-1466. Maybe you could research and report on them. I testified in favor of HB-1022. Here is a lot of info on the bill and some video testimony


I can try and get info on HB-1466 if you are interested

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Thank you so much for being prepared to be an independent journalistic voice speaking out even as your colleagues seem to have become a rubber stamp for industry. I still find it disconcerting that so many intelligent and caring people can not see the damage that is being done by ignoring early treatment and pretending that the vaccine is effective. A strong focus on this aspect of Covid is useful I believe as a possible turning point for anyone who begins to realise they have been duped. It is a simple premise and the evidence of censorship is in plain sight. As people realise how many lives could have been saved with early treatment protocols we may begin to see a shift. And we do need to welcome them all back without any words of reproach. Better to join together where we do agree and start creating a more expansive and organic future for us all. Big gratitude for the work that you do.

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Brilliant. Real Public Health

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As a person with no degree it always surprises me that I don't have a problem understanding most graphs and most data, yet Dr's would refuse to look at the data saying they don't have time for that. Shouldn't that be their job to want to see what else could be done so patients don't die?

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thank you. i am nobody, but i thank you for these clear words. it will help me in my family of vaccinated people to survive unvaccinated for another season and be seen not as an hindrance. may be. still i hope that covid may be done in summer...never give up hope! thank you. i sent it to my 75 followers on Facebook and on my twitter that nobody follows. you are doing a great job and if i am going to be famous, (very funny!) i will send your substack all over the world. never give up!

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First understand the difference between Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. News clip is about Uttarakhand and India has achieved Herd immunity without vax. All this drama is to keep Corona alive.

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Looking at the other states vax rate in India shows that some places in India did have a higher vax rate than Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh is relevant because they have over 200 million people living closer together than they do in NYC. It has been the go to for data. The Indian government, according to their news was pushing the shot. So they don't want to report on many states in India receiving a covid pack which included Ivermectin, zinc, vitamins because of the low death count and early treatment. From what I read the states in India that could afford the jab did get it and pushed it on their people that is why the info out of India is so important. It's sad that we have to look at other countries for data because our own is lieing to us.

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Very interesting piece. Thank you.

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The irony is that the WHO (and CDC to a small extent) helped roll out the 'medikits'! But go to their website while they laud the success of the initiative theres an obvious lack of information: What is in the kits? They won't print it. It was of course, ivermectin, vit D, Vit C, zinc, doxycycline, oxymeter, gloves, masks. We have the proof. The contents became subect to a ban by MSM who were told not to publish and all politicians and health authorities were very skitish when asked, also obviusly briefed not to go there. It took a couple of brave doctors to come out and talk.

Now this begs the question: How on earth does the world ignore the virtual eradication of delta covid among 230 million souls? Why arent global authorities tripping over themselves to find out how this was achieved? Tell me now that your health care bodies are interested in your or your countires health!

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Uttar pradesh is globally famous , especially with doctors. It is highly imporyant to mention the main (but not only) DRUG they used was IVERMECTIN.

IVERMECTIN has mountains of science to support it's use including cutting edge meta analysis .

It also cost pennies to make as it has been generic for decades .

People in India are quite familiar with this popular drug as it is also anti parasitic, and humans have taken more than 4 BILLION doses of it.

Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize (Dr. Satoshi Omura- Japan) in 2015 and it is 1000 times safer than taking aspirin, tylenol , advil, as one of safest drugs on the planet .

Ivermectin won't make money for big pharma or governments. It is ridiculously safe and effective, but with no profit , it was literally banned from use in Canada, UK, France and more , who decided murdering people is preferable .

Up.to 85 percent of deaths were preventable by using early and aggrssive treatment and Ivermectin

Millions, if not billions of lives WERE SAVED in small countries around the world.

We won't hear about this because of the massive censorship program happening , as a Global Coup d'etate is happening to take down all democracies and seize illegal power, led by the darkest forces on the planet such as the WHO , UN, NIH. and especialky the satanic Klaus Schwab cabal called the WEF.

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First world sought expensive solutions that would benefit drug cartels who wrote our vaxa-maniacal pandemic response policies, third world - knowing they would be last in line to get vaccines, sought to treat the disease. Uttar Pradesh is the best of these, which is why the first world must ignore what they did, or lie about it when impossible to ignore. Screwtape has been in charge: https://jlronning.substack.com/p/the-ten-commandments-of-our-pandemic?s=w

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early advocates for ivermectin, Australians Prof Thomas Borody and Prof Robert Clancy, I believe it was from Prof Thomas Borody that Uttar Pradesh took the Idea of using Ivermectin.

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Someone needs to make a documentary on Uttar Pradesh

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I remember Dr Malone telling people that the government of Uttar Pradesh was distributing packets of medicine to its citizens, but that the contents were secret. He speculated that one drug included was ivermectin.

I’m curious to know the date of these news screen shots. Did Dr Malone know at the time but but couldn’t confirm?

BTW , I know many people who obtained Ivermectin, especially after it was clear the shots didn’t prevent disease or death. It was mainly younger people desperate to help their elderly parents.

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Ive been taking it for 1 yr 2 times a month

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It's fine to use Ivermectin for human beings, but until we get to the root of the problem, which is 5G, you won't solve the killing of the birds, bees, and butterflies. The latter two are the pollinators. What will humanity do without them? For more details, log onto https://arlenejohnson.livejournal.com/2020/04/18/ , https://arlenejohnson.livejournal.com/2020/04/29/ and https://arlenejohnson.livejournal.com/2020/05/23/ for proof of what I just wrote.

God bless,

Arlene Johnson



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