Mar 15Liked by Phil Harper

Great interview Phil thanks, love your work and integrity.

One bit of feedback for your inaugural broadcast - I found the background music very distracting from the discussion, it made it difficult for me to concentrate on what you were both saying.

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Clare is very impressive, she is not easily fooled by the government health experts or big pharma marketing. I would imagine after listening to how she thinks, there is not much that would fool her. 😊

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Quick comment: "very very rare" or other similar gaslighting terms are meaningless, without quantifiable data and metrics.

Whenever gaslighters are challenged to quantify the numbers, nearly all of them struggle to form any sort of coherent response (some even gaslight project back and argue you have to prove it "isn't rare" - no, I don't, you made the claim it was "rare", how many is "rare"? Quantify and prove it).

Pfizer & Co have abused the term "rare" to downplay what is essentially murder. We don't let convicts go free because they rarely kill a person. I'm not asking for the definition, I'm asking for their figures for the total case count that they used to come to that conclusion. *None* of these pharmaceutical gaslighters ever have any hard figures.

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Mar 15Liked by Phil Harper

Dr. C. Craig is brilliant and she's making so much sense. I wish other doctors would be as open to science rather than be ideology megaphones.

Question! Is there evidence that those who took the follow-up injections ,within a shorter time from a previous injection, are/ were at high risk of more severe side effects?

Thank you for an excellent and informative interview.

The background music was a bit annoying, not sure if it's the melody or the volume!!

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Mar 15Liked by Phil Harper

The audio of Australian Senator Rennick did not come through on the no-music version.

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I'm an old git and find background "musac" extremely frustrating, plus the laptop microphones broadcast very bass tones which are very difficult to listen to. If you and guests can't afford a decent microphone, pleeeeze cut the muzak!

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Couldn't see or hear the video clip of Senator Gerard Rennick. Great interview!

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My brother was extremely ill after a booster last year. I've warned him about the vaccines, my mother too but they both laughed at me. They don't believe that the government & big pharma would fuck them over & after that last booster, he's had to have heart surgery, it's a shame the moron didn't die. I'm waiting for the cancer diagnosis next so I can laugh 🤣 in his face.

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Better without music. Is there an rss feed for podcast apps? I cannot find it

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